EKS - Zmluvy (v3)
Mirror of data from https://portal.eks.sk/Reporty/OtvoreneUdaje . Given that EKS requires registration and login to obtain that, we're offering this mirror (in both compressed... -
EKS - Zakázky a zmluvy (v3)
Mirror of data from https://portal.eks.sk/Reporty/OtvoreneUdaje . Given that EKS requires registration and login to obtain that, we're offering this mirror (in both compressed... -
EKS - Aukčné ponuky (v2)
Mirror of data from https://portal.eks.sk/Reporty/OtvoreneUdaje . Given that EKS requires registration and login to obtain that, we're offering this mirror (in both compressed... -
EKS - Kontraktačné ponuky (v2)
Mirror of data from https://portal.eks.sk/Reporty/OtvoreneUdaje . Given that EKS requires registration and login to obtain that, we're offering this mirror (in both compressed... -
EKS - Zakázky (v2)
Mirror of data from https://portal.eks.sk/Reporty/OtvoreneUdaje . Given that EKS requires registration and login to obtain that, we're offering this mirror (in both compressed... -
EKS - Opisné formuláre (v2)
Mirror of data from https://portal.eks.sk/Reporty/OtvoreneUdaje . Given that EKS requires registration and login to obtain that, we're offering this mirror (in both compressed... -
EKS - Referencie (v2)
Mirror of data from https://portal.eks.sk/Reporty/OtvoreneUdaje . Given that EKS requires registration and login to obtain that, we're offering this mirror (in both compressed...
Prístup do tohto zoznamu je možný aj cez API rozhranie API (viď. dokumentácia API Dokumenty API).