EKS - Zakázky (v2)

Mirror of data from https://portal.eks.sk/Reporty/OtvoreneUdaje .

Given that EKS requires registration and login to obtain that, we're offering this mirror (in both compressed and uncompressed form) in good faith to ease access for re-users and experimenters.

More information in Slovak:

Údaje s informáciami o obchodoch a zákazkach na elektronickom trhovisku.

Further notes: Data is being obtained with https://github.com/OpenDataSk/eks-od-harvestrer and loaded into CKAN with https://github.com/OpenDataSk/eks-od-datastore-pusher .

Dáta a Dátové zdroje

Doplňujúce informácie

Pole Hodnota
Zdroj https://portal.eks.sk/Reporty/OtvoreneUdaje
Autor EKS
Posledná aktualizácia 27 Jún, 2018, 19:58
Vytvorené 22 Jún, 2018, 13:16