various: GPS coordinates for postal code (PSČ) of Slovak municipalities
GPS coordinates for postal code (PSČ) of Slovak municipalities references: https://github.com/OpenDataSk/datasets https://github.com/OpenDataSk/data-requests/issues/11 Side... -
various: list of municipalities in Slovakia along with postal code (PSČ)
List of Slovak municipalities along with their postal code (PSČ) based on list from Slovak Postal Service (https://www.posta.sk/sluzby/postove-smerovacie-cisla) reference:... -
EKS - Zmluvy (v3)
Mirror of data from https://portal.eks.sk/Reporty/OtvoreneUdaje . Given that EKS requires registration and login to obtain that, we're offering this mirror (in both compressed... -
EKS - Zakázky a zmluvy (v3)
Mirror of data from https://portal.eks.sk/Reporty/OtvoreneUdaje . Given that EKS requires registration and login to obtain that, we're offering this mirror (in both compressed...